The Aries new moon circle will take place on Friday, March 29, at 5pm Pacific. When the moon is dark and the veil is thin and the sky itself is an incantation, we are invited to go inward—to get very quiet and very still and touch the pure consciousness that exists at the core of our being. This is a time to make wishes and say prayers, to open our hearts and soften our tongues, to break old patterns and create new habits. 

Together, beneath the new moon, we will harness the bold, ambitious, and confident energies of the Ram as we gather in community. I'll do a collective Tarot reading, share from one of my books, and lead the group in setting intentions for the moon cycle ahead. There will be time at the end for folks to share and a blessing to close the circle. All gender identities are welcome to attend and tickets are on a sliding scale basis—ranging from $5-$55. Pay what you can and, if you are unable to spare any monetary resources, please email me at to discuss a complimentary ticket to attend.

Simply click the button below to submit your offering and you will be automatically redirected to a registration page for the Zoom call at 5pm Pacific on 3/28. If you have any issues with registration or questions about this offering, please email me.

I hope to see you in the circle, and I am sending you all my love,

Some things to note:

Everyone who makes an offering + registers for the circle will receive a recording of the event and the journaling worksheet the following day, regardless of whether or not you can make the event.
Please do not close your browser after checkout or you will miss the registration link!
If you are not redirected (technology is not always perfect!) please email me at NO LATER THAN 10 MINUTES BEFORE THE START TIME OF THE CALL. Please do not DM me on socials for this info as I do not log into those apps frequently enough to assist you there.
Please be aware that when you receive an invitation from Zoom, it will automatically convert to your assigned time zone.
This is a safe and sacred space for folks with shared value systems. If you do not believe in racial equity and equality, freedom of gender expression, and collective liberation, this is likely not the space for you. I cannot allow anyone with racist, zionist, homophobic, xenophobic, or misogynistic ideals into this circle.